For Ene, with love.

So I have a confession; When I met you, Your arrival wasn’t greeted by the happy celebration that takes place in my heart. It was met with, A lot of uncertainty A lot of fear. The wrong belief that I might never be enough. And it progressed to, What does she think about me? How does her heart react to me, Does she even see me? And then it progressed to, A mix of joy in my heart and a little bit of uncertainty. But now, My heart gladly rejoices at the thought of you. I’m sorry it took so long to get here, But I’m here, For as long as you’ll have me. I promise that; Your happiness is my happiness; Your laughter is my medicine; Your pain takes a year from me; And your sadness takes two. If you’ll have me, I promise to be a friend, Amidst the mistakes, I promise to keep loving. I promise to have my arms warm and ready for when you need comfort If you’ll have me. For Ene. p.s will you have amala with me?